
Election Countdown

00m 9d 21h 35m 34s


Our Core Beliefs

The Lemanu and La’apui administration firmly believes that a healthy and clean environment is essential for social and economic well-being in American Samoa. People thrive and prosper when water is clean, and waste is properly managed. Environmental protection is key to protecting public health and improving the quality of life in American Samoa. Maintaining a healthy biological diversity in our ocean waters supports our near-shore and ocean fisheries. Harvesting from the sea and land is fundamental to the “Samoan Way” of life. The Lemanu and La’apui administration’s commitment to a healthy environment in balance with our economic and social goals include:

Policy Actions Taken

Styrofoam Food Containers

Introduced and signed into law an administration bill to ban Styrofoam food containers in American Samoa under Public Law 38-12. American Samoa proudly joins other Pacific Island nations and countries in the fight to ban using Styrofoam food containers and promote sustainable practices.

Coral Reef Designation

The Lemanu and La'apui administration demonstrated its commitment to environmental preservation by introducing and signing into law an administration bill “An Act designating the Coral Reef as a critical natural infrastructure. Public Law 38-13. This designation underscores the importance of our coral reef, not just as a natural wonder but as a critical part of our ecosystem that needs protection.

Climate Change Office

Executive Order 010 – 2021 established the Governor’s Resilience Office (GRO) and the Resilience Commission, chaired by the Lt. Governor. The Lemanu and La’apui administration took a proactive stance on climate change by creating a standalone climate change office. This office is dedicated to promoting resiliency in the face of climate change and responding quickly and strategically to climate impacts. Its mission is to protect and preserve life and property, the natural environment, and our critical infrastructure.

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program (CPRG)

In an effort to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and assist with combatting climate change, the Lemanu and La’apui administration, through the work of AS-EPA, ASPA, and ASTCA, participated in the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program (CPRG) under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The CPRG program provides grant funding to states, local governments, tribes, and territories to develop and implement ambitious plans for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollution.

These efforts resulted in the development and submission of the American Samoa Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP). The American Samoa PCAP is organized as follows:

• GHG inventory of American Samoa’s priority sector
• Quantified GHG reduction measures
• Benefits analysis of GHG reduction measures
• Review of authority to implement GHG measures. 

Multi-ASG department and agency collaboration on this important program will continue as we continue our efforts to reduce our GHG emissions and dependence on fossil fuels in the power generation and transportation sectors.  

Other Important Policies and Programs

Monthly Wide Cleanup Programs

The Lemanu and La’apui administration remains committed to the monthly island-wide cleanup spearheaded by the Island Wide Cleanup Committee (IWCC), which promotes a clean and beautiful Amerika Samoa. The IWCC has expanded its reach to foster relationships with our villages, including our business community, for a clean and beautiful Amerika Samoa. This was evident in the recent Village Beautification Competition as part of this year’s Flag Day celebration to promote village pride (loto nu’u) and cleanliness in the villages.

Waste Management

The Lemanu and La’apui administration has made remarkable progress in waste management by initiating programs to promote behavior change and address disposal problems through the IWCC and by initiating a recycling program in selected schools, e-waste management program and partnering with other agencies/departments to promote programs such as coast weeks, wetland month, Flag Day and Christmas cleanup and beautification initiatives. These cleanup and beautification programs targeted villages, roadside, streams, coastal areas, parks and wetlands.    

Safe Drinking Water

Safe drinking water remains a top priority for the Lemanu and La’apui administration. Potable water and access to safe drinking water are paramount in protecting public health. This commitment will become evident when the remaining areas under boil water notice will be lifted later this year. This will be a significant accomplishment, given that the boil water notice was originally issued in 2009.

Salt Water Intrusion Mitigation

Through the work of ASPA, efforts are underway to address the salt water intrusion problem with drinking water in the east side villages. Reverse Osmosis (RO) units have been deployed, and desalination units are being explored and considered a long-term solution for drinking water in the east side villages, including Aunu’u.  

Joint Cooperation under Atoa o Samoa

The L&L administration remains committed to the Atoa o Samoa talks on climate and environmental initiatives, including emergency preparedness, information sharing/exchange on mutual areas of interest, training opportunities, and sharing resources.  In this regard, American Samoa Government have solidified collaborative engagements with the Samoa Government Ministry of Natural Resources, Scientific Organizations of Samoa (SROS), South Pacific Commission (SPC) and under this administration have gained traction and enhanced partnerships in ensuring our environment is safeguarded for our future generations.

Engagement with the Secretariat of SPREP

The Lemanu and La’apui administration, through the work of AS-EPA, continues to engage the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) on climate and environmental priorities such as biodiversity loss, waste management, pollution control, and climate change. 

Annual Amerika Samoa Disaster Resilience Summit

The AS Disaster Resilience Summit began in 2022 during this administration and consists of leadership meetings, partnership training and enhanced public awareness campaigns with our community.  The first year, ODAPM launched the summit and then partnered with the Governor’s Resilience Office or the Climate Resilience Office in year two.  In 2024, as we expand our event, we are now partnering with the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Samoan Affairs as the village mayors are the first responders in every village. 

The four partners in 2024 are now:


This annual summit is a major activity in the Territory in support of and promotion of the National Preparedness Month in September within the United States of America. Federal officials from many federal agencies, scholars from the Pacific region and the Minister of the Samoa MNRE with various leaders and subject matter experts in a collective realm of climate change, environment, emergency management and disaster preparedness, response and recovery areas participate in this much-anticipated event.This year, 2024, will be the third Annual Amerika Samoa Disaster Resilience Summit hosted by the ODAPM office. In year one, the theme was Bridging the Gaps between Government and Communities. The second year, the theme was Strengthening Disaster Resilience in our Community. In maintaining momentum and continuity, this year’s theme is Our Community, Our Responsibility. 


In conclusion, our comprehensive initiatives and policies show the Lemanu and La’apui administration’s unwavering dedication to environmental sustainability and public health in American Samoa. Our administration has taken significant strides toward environmental protection and climate resilience by enacting laws to ban Styrofoam, designating coral reefs as critical infrastructure, and establishing the Governor’s Resilience Office. Our efforts in greenhouse gas reduction, waste management, and ensuring access to safe drinking water underscore our commitment to improving the quality of life for all residents. Collaborative engagements with local and regional partners further strengthen our resolve to safeguard the environment for future generations. Our proactive approach in hosting the annual Amerika Samoa Disaster Resilience Summit and fostering community involvement highlights our vision for a resilient, healthy, and thriving American Samoa.





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