
Election Countdown

00m 10d 1h 30m 54s



Governor Lemanu P.S. Mauga and Lieutenant Governor La’apui Talauega E. V. Ale are deeply committed to the youth of American Samoa. Recognizing the critical role that young people play in shaping the future, our administration has made significant investments in education, professional development, personal growth, and community support to ensure that every young person in American Samoa has the opportunity to thrive. Through collaborative efforts with community leaders, families, villages, and churches, Lemanu & La’apui are focused on creating an environment where our youth can reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to American Samoa.

Achievements and Goals for the Youth of American Samoa

Educational Opportunities

  1. Support for Special Education: Our administration has invested in enhancing special education programs and resources, providing specialized training for teachers, and integrating assistive technologies into the classroom, ensuring that students, regardless of their abilities, receive the support they need to succeed.
  2. ASCC Partnerships and Programs: Collaborations with institutions like Yale University, Southern Oregon State University (SOU), University of Hawaii, and others, and initiatives like the STEAM education program at ASCC highlight our focus on providing educational opportunities for our youth. These partnerships have resulted in research opportunities and enhanced educational curricula. ASCC's move to join the Western Institute of Higher Education has opened new avenues for student exchange programs and advanced learning. Additionally, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) accreditation ensures that our education system meets high standards of quality and effectiveness.
  3. School Infrastructure Projects: Significant improvements have been made to our school’s infrastructure, from buildings to access roads. There are 17 completed school-building projects, 11 of which are expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and 14 new projects set to begin soon.
  4. Support for Advanced Education: Membership in organizations like the Western Pacific Higher Education Commission and the Regional Educational Laboratory has significantly benefited our students, promoting higher standards and new opportunities. These memberships facilitate the exchange of best practices and the introduction of innovative teaching methods in our schools.
  5. ASCC Teacher Education Department: The ASCC Teacher Education Department has been proactive in holding events such as Senior Night to celebrate the achievements of future educators. This department also focuses on continuous professional development for teachers, ensuring they are equipped with the latest pedagogical skills.
  6. Focused on Educational Grants and Funding: The administration continues to focus on grant funding, as the DOE is heavily dependent on federal grants. This funding ensures that we have the resources needed to provide high-quality education, supporting everything from infrastructure improvements to teacher training and student scholarships.

Investments in Education

  1. Infrastructure and Technological Upgrades:
    • Broadband Wireless Capacity: The ASDOE broadband wireless capacity increased from 1 gigabyte to 5 gigabytes per second, substantially increasing educational opportunities and collaboration with off-island resources.
    • Virtual Learning Implementation: Approximately $20 million was spent on implementing virtual learning during the pandemic.
    • Technology Integration: Over $6 million was spent to purchase robotics equipment, drones, 3D printers, and programs to support school technology integration.
    • JROTC VEX Robotics Program: Received grant funding from the Office of Insular Affairs to support and implement the JROTC VEX robotics program at Tafuna High School.
    • Student Devices: More than 12,000 students received Chromebooks and Kindle tablets.
    • MiFi Devices: 11,000 MiFi devices were purchased to support the implementation of online learning.
    • Teacher Laptops: More than 700 teachers, from ECE to high school, received Apple MacBook Air laptops to support online learning and technology integration.
    • Teleconferencing Equipment: Purchased teleconferencing equipment, including Smartboards, LifeSize, Document Camera, and Zoom accounts, to improve communications and access to online learning.
  2. Educational Resources and Materials:
    • Classroom Supplies: Continuous funding has been allocated to procure essential classroom supplies such as textbooks, writing materials, and art supplies to ensure students have the necessary tools, from new books, digital resources to comfortable study spaces.
  3. Teacher Salaries and Professional Development:
    • Salary Increases and Reclassifications: The administration has implemented salary increases and reclassifications to attract and retain high-quality educators. These adjustments ensure that teachers are fairly compensated based on their qualifications and experience, boosting morale and job satisfaction.
    • Professional Development Programs: Substantial funds have been directed toward professional development for teachers. This includes workshops, training sessions, and opportunities for further education to keep teachers updated with the latest pedagogical methods and technologies.
  4. Scholarship Programs: We have awarded numerous scholarships to students to pursue higher education and return to contribute to our community. Detailed breakdowns of the ASG scholarships over recent years include:
    • 2021: 45 scholarships (ASCC & Off-island)
    • 2022: 60 scholarships (ASCC & Off-island)
    • 2023: 62 scholarships (ASCC & Off-island)
    • Additional Scholarships: The ELLA scholarships, three-year ROTC scholarships, and ASCC President’s Merit Scholarships have provided financial assistance to deserving students, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder their educational aspirations.
  5. Vocational and Technical Training:
    • Vocational Programs: Investments in vocational training programs have expanded opportunities for students interested in trades and technical careers. This includes funding for programs in automotive repair, construction, culinary arts, and other vocational fields.
    • Partnerships with Industry: Collaborations with local businesses and institutions like LBJ Hospital provide students with internships, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training, preparing them for successful careers in various industries.
  6. Whole Child Development Initiatives:
    • Social and Emotional Learning Programs: Programs designed to support students' social and emotional development have been funded to create a nurturing educational environment. This includes training for teachers on integrating social-emotional learning into their classrooms and resources for students to develop these critical skills.
    • Physical Education and Wellness: Investments in physical education programs and wellness initiatives ensure that students maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is crucial for their overall development and academic success.
  7. Improved Transportation & Logistics: School bus transportation has been a long-standing challenge. We purchased 15 new school buses, including both gas and diesel models, as well as one electric school bus. These new buses meet all relevant regulations and standards for safety, fuel efficiency, and seating capacity, ensuring reliable and efficient transportation services for students.

Professional Development

  1. Youth Employment and Internship Programs: Our Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) has engaged thousands of young individuals, providing them with valuable work experience and a stepping stone to future careers. Participation numbers have been impressive:
    • 2024: Approximately 1,500 youths
    • 2023: Over 1,300 youths
    • 2022: Approximately 1,200 youths
    • 2021: Approximately 1,500 youths
  2. ROTC Scholarships and Military Engagement: Our administration has facilitated ROTC scholarships and welcomed visits from military recruiters, providing pathways for young people interested in serving their country while gaining an education. These programs also instill our youth's discipline, leadership, and sense of duty. Notable awards include prestigious three-year ROTC scholarships to Tafuna High School cadets.
  3. Workforce Development Initiatives: Programs that prepare our youth for the workforce, such as employment fairs and training camps, equipping them with skills and knowledge. For instance, the Department of Education's employment fairs have drawn significant youth participation and provided career guidance.
  4. Industry-Specific Training: Partnerships with the LBJ Tropical Medical Center and the Department of Health (DOH) help our youth receive training in critical fields like healthcare and IT. These partnerships also include scholarship programs, internships, and on-the-job training opportunities.
  5. Youth Ambassadors Programs: Initiatives like the Boys and Girls Club Ocean Coast Youth Ambassadors Summit bring together young leaders from various backgrounds to discuss and address issues affecting their communities. This program fosters leadership skills and civic engagement among participants.
  6. Promoting Educational Opportunities: Visits from entities like the National Guard and the U.S. DOE Special Education Chief highlight the educational and career opportunities available to our youth. These visits often include workshops, seminars, and motivational speeches that inspire young people to pursue their goals.

Personal and Spiritual Growth

  • Cultural and Community Engagement: Initiatives like the Youth Cultural Day and the National Marine Sanctuaries' educational roundtables promote cultural appreciation and environmental stewardship among our youth. These programs ensure that young people remain connected to their heritage while becoming responsible stewards of their environment.
  • Youth Councils and Leadership Programs: Establishing the Governor's Youth Council and similar bodies provides platforms for young voices to be heard and for future leaders to emerge. These councils engage youth in policy discussions and community projects, empowering them to make a difference.
  • Mental Health and Well-being: Recognizing the importance of mental health, we have focused on creating awareness and providing support to combat issues like youth suicide and substance abuse. Programs like the Teen Health Camp and partnerships across ASG, non-profits, and the private sector ensure our youth have access to helpful resources.
  • Spiritual Development: Collaborations with local churches and religious organizations play a crucial role in the spiritual development of our youth. These partnerships offer guidance, mentorship, and community, helping young people navigate life's challenges with faith and resilience.
  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs: Initiatives to support runaway and homeless youth ensure that every young person has a safe place to call home and access essential services. Programs funded by federal grants help provide shelter, education, and counseling to those in need.
  • Drug Awareness and Prevention: The administration's campaigns, such as those cautioning youth about the effects of drugs, aim to prevent substance abuse and promote healthy lifestyles. These initiatives include school visits, community workshops, and multimedia campaigns.
  • Concussion Guidelines for Youth Sports: We recognized the importance of protecting young athletes and worked with and supported Fono’s initiative in implementing concussion guidelines for youth sports. These guidelines are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of young football players and provide protocols for preventing, identifying, and managing concussions.

Parks and Recreation: Vital Spaces for Youth Development

Recognizing the importance of parks and recreational areas for our youth, we have focused on upgrading existing parks and creating new recreational spaces that cater to their diverse needs. These spaces provide safe environments where youth can engage in physical activities, socialize, and develop essential life skills. Additionally, we have invested in enhancing the infrastructure of our parks and recreational facilities, including the construction of new playgrounds, sports fields, and community areas, as well as maintaining and improving existing infrastructure to ensure they remain safe and accessible for all.

  • Fagaalu Seashore Park (Fagaalu Village):
    • Upgrades to improve services and parking
    • The outdoor basketball court was upgraded for better playing conditions
    • The playing field was resurfaced and upgraded for various sporting activities
    • The parking area and road were redesigned and resurfaced
    • A security shack was built to house security for the park
  • Lions Pala Lagoon Park (Nu’uuli/Tafuna):
    • Upgraded men's and women's bathroom facilities within the park
    • Built new bathroom facilities with showers
    • Built 8 new Fales (picnic shelters) with electricity
    • Built 4 new outdoor courts (basketball, volleyball, netball, pickleball)
    • Upgraded the tennis complex building, showers, and toilets, and renewed 6 courts, fence, and court lights
    • Replaced and upgraded the children's playground
    • Constructed a walking trail with lights along the entire shoreline
    • Constructed a new boat ramp to accommodate bigger boats
    • Built a security shack to house security officers for the park
    • The beach sand volleyball court is currently under construction and about 50% complete.
  • Vaitogi Park (Vaitogi Village):
    • Currently under construction

Community Involvement and Support

  • Collaboration with Community Leaders: Our administration works closely with community leaders, families, and churches in the territory’s youth development. This collaborative effort is vital for creating a supportive environment where our young people can thrive. Community leaders are key in mentoring and guiding the youth as positive role models.
  • Educational Outreach and Awareness Programs: Programs like the Teen Health Camp and Pesticide Safety Education Month highlight our commitment to comprehensive youth education, extending beyond traditional academic subjects to include health and safety. These programs educate young people about important life skills and health practices.
  • Support for Extracurricular Activities: Encouraging participation in sports, culture, and other extracurricular activities is a key aspect of our youth development strategy. These activities provide a creative outlet and teach teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and cultural protection.
  • Community Service Initiatives: Engaging youth in community service projects fosters a sense of responsibility and civic duty. Programs like the Youth Workers initiative emphasize the importance of contributing to one's family and community, instilling a strong work ethic and a spirit of volunteerism. 

Governor Lemanu's Fierce Advocacy for Youth in the Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy

Governor Lemanu P. S. Mauga has proven himself a dedicated and fierce advocate for the youth of American Samoa, particularly those seeking opportunities through programs like the Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Academy. Recognizing the program's importance in helping high school dropouts gain valuable skills, education, and self-discipline, Governor Lemanu took decisive action when he learned that American Samoan youth were being removed from the program and sent back to the Territory.

In February 2023, Governor Lemanu met with Hawaii’s Governor Josh Greene and Major General Kenneth Hara of the Department of Defense in Honolulu, Hawaii, to discuss the Youth Challenge Academy. Governor Lemanu quickly contacted Major General Hara to resolve issues related to recruiting and participating American Samoan students, especially U.S. National students. His swift action ensured that arrangements were made for the students to return and graduate from their high schools in American Samoa, with pathways to joining the military or attending college.

This proactive approach highlights Governor Lemanu’s unwavering commitment to the youth of American Samoa, ensuring they have access to opportunities that pave the way for a brighter future. His leadership and advocacy were instrumental in providing the support and resources necessary for these young people to succeed and thrive in this program. In doing so, the Lemanu & La’apui administration caused the Department of Defense to overturn the U.S. Nationals' eligibility decision, allowing 13 students to continue the program. 

Closing Statement

The future of American Samoa lies in the hands of our youth, and the Lemanu and La’apui administration remains steadfast in its commitment to their empowerment through the Youth Empowerment Strategy (YES). By fostering leadership skills, promoting education, preserving our cultural heritage, and actively involving young voices in governmental decision-making, we are laying the foundation for a brighter future. Initiatives such as the Leading Voice and Governor’s Youth Council ensure our youth are heard and their challenges addressed.

Our educational programs, including scholarships and STEAM workshops, equip young Samoans with the skills necessary for success in an increasingly complex world. Health and wellness initiatives further support their well-being, creating a robust personal and professional growth framework. Through collaborative efforts, we have built a supportive network that allows our youth to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment.

We recognize that this journey is a shared responsibility involving the love and support of our families, villages, churches, and the broader community. Our young people can reach remarkable heights with faith, discipline, and a willingness to make short-term sacrifices for long-term benefits and outcomes. We promise to continually enhance our efforts, ensuring that our youth are surrounded by a supportive community that empowers them to lead fulfilling lives. With warmth and dedication, the Lemanu & La’apui administration will continue to build a brighter and more prosperous future for American Samoa, paving the way for a generation of responsible, innovative, and engaged citizens who will drive positive change.





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