
Election Countdown

00m 9d 21h 28m 33s

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Constitutional Engagement: Review Committee, Convention & Referendum

Strengthening Local Governance

As the dawn of a new era unfolded, The Lemanu & La’apui administration recognized the urgent need to modernize and fortify the foundations of our local governance. With this in mind, Governor Lemanu called for creating a Constitutional Review committee to begin the process. Under the leadership of Lt. Governor La’apui, a Constitutional Review Committee was convened, comprising 54 esteemed individuals representing diverse segments of our society. Their charge: to meticulously scrutinize the American Samoa Constitution and chart a course aligned with the evolving landscape of our territory.

The committee identified areas ripe for reform through tireless deliberations and unwavering commitment. From clarifying ancestral protections to redefining the composition of our House of Representatives, each proposed amendment was a testament to our unwavering dedication to empowering local governance.

The culmination of these efforts was American Samoa’s historic 6th Constitutional Convention, convened with solemn purpose and resolute determination. The Convention embarked on a transformative journey, ratifying 11 amendments that heralded a new era of empowerment and self-determination for the people of American Samoa.

Empowering Citizen Participation

Central to our administration's ethos is the belief that true progress is not merely bestowed from above but forged through every citizen's collective will and active participation. In this spirit, we embarked on a journey to engage and empower the next generation of leaders through innovative educational initiatives.

The inaugural Virtual Student Constitutional Convention is a testament to our commitment to fostering civic engagement among our youth. Drawing together 140 public and private high school students, this landmark event provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and deliberation on the pressing issues facing our territory.

Moreover, our commitment to inclusive governance extended beyond the hallowed halls of academia. Through initiatives such as the Student Referendum and Community College Referendum, over 300 students were empowered to voice their opinions and shape the future of our governance structures.

Enhancing Community Outreach

In our relentless pursuit of inclusive governance, we recognize that progress is not measured solely by legislative milestones but by the depth and breadth of community engagement. Guided by this principle, we embarked on a comprehensive outreach campaign that transcended boundaries and brought the spirit of democracy to every corner of our territory.

Collaborations with the American Samoa Humanities Council and various government departments ensured no voice was left unheard. From the bustling pews of local churches to the vibrant streets of our villages, we engaged with citizens from all walks of life, fostering dialogue and empowering communities to take ownership of their governance.

Innovative events such as the Constitutional Carnival transcended the traditional confines of political discourse, offering a platform for families and individuals to engage with the constitutional amendments in a fun and educational environment.

Overcoming Stagnation

For too long, the wheels of progress had ground to a halt, shackled by the chains of stagnation and inertia. But under the bold leadership of Governor Lemanu and Lt. Governor La’apui, the tide of history began to turn.

With the passage of five critical amendments in the 2022 Referendum, American Samoa broke free from the shackles of constitutional stagnation that had gripped our territory for over four decades. By allowing citizens to vote on individual amendments, we shattered the monolithic barriers that had stifled progress in the past, ushering in a new era of flexibility and responsiveness in our governance structures.

Analyzing Voter Turnout

As we chart a course for the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to strengthening the bedrock of democracy: citizen participation. The analysis of voter turnout trends serves as a beacon guiding our efforts to enhance civic engagement and ensure the legitimacy of our electoral processes.

By delving into the nuances of voter behavior and addressing the systemic barriers to participation, we pave the way for a more vibrant and inclusive democracy—where every voice is heard, and every vote counts.

As Governor Lemanu and Lt. Governor La’apui seek reelection, they stand firm in their resolve to build on this progress to foster inclusive governance, empower citizens, and shape a future where the aspirations of every individual are realized. Together, let us forge ahead, united in our shared commitment to a brighter tomorrow for American Samoa.

Regional Engagement: Pacific Islands Forum

Elevating American Samoa’s Regional Presence

Governor Lemanu and Lt. Governor La’apui commenced their first term with a resolute commitment to amplifying American Samoa's voice on the regional stage. Through strategic engagements in Suva, Fiji, the American Samoa Delegation, led by Lieutenant Governor La’apui Talauega E.V. Ale, embarked on a journey to bolster regional engagement and advocate for American Samoa’s inclusion in crucial Pacific dialogues. These efforts underscored our unwavering dedication to advancing the collective interests of our Blue Pacific family.

Forging Stronger Ties with Regional Organizations

The delegation's proactive approach was evident in their vibrant exchange of ideas at the Pacific Community (SPC) Suva Missions Briefing. Lieutenant Governor La’apui passionately articulated our commitment to escalating regional engagement and contribution. Subsequent discussions with Dr. Mareva Lechat of French Polynesia and His Excellency Ali’ioaiga Feturi Elisaia of Samoa deepened our ties. They reaffirmed American Samoa's integral role in fostering Pacific unity and cooperation.

Pursuing Membership in the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF)

A pivotal moment in our regional engagement was the meeting with Mr. Esala Nayasi, Deputy Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. Lieutenant Governor La’apui’s eloquent depiction of the Forum as a symbol of oceanic culture resonated deeply, underscoring American Samoa's readiness to assume a more active role in regional affairs. The forthcoming on-the-ground visit to American Samoa signifies a crucial step toward our aspiration for Associate Membership in the PIF, as we eagerly anticipate the August meeting for further deliberation.

Strengthening Collaborative Efforts

Engagements with key stakeholders such as the Pacific Community (SPC) and Fiji's Roving Ambassador, His Excellency Ratu William Toganivalu, highlighted the enduring bonds of friendship and cooperation that unite Pacific nations. By fostering dialogue and sharing insights on regional membership processes, we reinforced our commitment to advancing the interests and aspirations of all Pacific peoples.

Embracing Inclusivity

Above all, our engagement in the Pacific region epitomized our unwavering commitment to inclusivity and unity. By recognizing and valuing the voices, perspectives, and contributions of all Pacific Island nations, we laid the foundation for a more equitable and prosperous future for future generations.

Governor Lemanu and Lt. Governor La’apui stand ready to continue elevating American Samoa's regional presence and forging stronger ties within the Pacific community. Together, we can chart a course toward a future of prosperity, unity, and shared destiny within the Blue Pacific family.


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