
Election Countdown

00m 9d 21h 27m 34s


The Economy

The Lemanu & La’apui administration remains committed to economic growth and prosperity for all in American Samoa through the following areas we have developed and accomplished to move American Samoa’s island economy to the next level: 

Economic Diversification

Economic diversification is a challenging feat. It requires inter-agency planning and implementation, with private sector input and collaboration, to introduce new industries that can thrive in American Samoa’s island economy. Furthermore, it is imperative to create new sectors with the availability of resilient critical infrastructure to support local economic development.

New Industries

We are committed to developing new industries to create more jobs and local businesses.


1. Digital Economy

Shifting towards a digital economy requires a robust critical infrastructure and workforce development opportunities.  Accessibility and affordability are essential to a developing digital economy, and more are in the developing stages to move American Samoa towards this ever-changing industry.  The following initiatives have been completed, with more in the pipeline to build a sustainable digital economy for the Territory:

• Online Business License Application Portal - Launched an online portal for business license application and payment.  This was necessary for the business community during COVID-19 restrictions.  It also eased the process for business owners stuck off-island during the border closure.  Businesses continued to operate without violating the business license requirements.

• American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Broadband Initiative - ARPA funding enabled much-needed upgrades to the territory’s digital infrastructure through public and private sector service providers. As of March 2024, American Samoa is one of the first few Pacific Island economies entirely operated by a 5G network.  This means high-speed internet connectivity in every home, business, and government operation.

• Innovation and Technology Park - Federal funding was secured, and we are now in the design phase for American Samoa’s future Tech Campus at the Lion’s Park Development in Tafuna.

• Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO) Incubator - Federal funding assistance was approved for an incubator to start a small BPO call center in American Samoa.  The Procurement bidding process will secure a potential team of outsourced agents.

• IT Workforce Development Initiative - Enrolled approximately 124 public and private sector IT personnel in a Coursera Online Curriculum in subject areas including:

   • Technical Support Fundamentals
   • Operating Systems and You - Becoming a Power User
   • The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking
   • System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services
   • IT Security - Defense Against the Digital Dark Era

• Internet Work Academy - The first phase was completed to train our local workforce for opportunities in internet-related or remote jobs.

• American Samoa Broadband Strategy Plan - This plan was released in late 2021 to prepare American Samoa for developing a well-thought-out Broadband Industry on the island. It birthed the idea of establishing a BCORD Office to coordinate and implement relevant broadband policies, initiatives, and funding sources.

• The Broadband, Coordination, Oversight, Revitalization, and Development (BCORD) Office, a new office established by Executive Order - To spearhead and coordinate broadband resources for American Samoa. This will benefit both public and private sector organizations that may qualify for federal funding opportunities.

• Broadband Equity, Access and Development (BEAD) - American Samoa secured a $37.6 Million Allocation for affordable, reliable, high-speed internet service. 

• Digital Equity - American Samoa received $150,000 in Digital Equity Planning funds. 

• Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program - American Samoa received $385,000 in outreach funding targeted at populations eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Congress created the ACP to help low-income households afford the costs of internet services for work, school, healthcare, and more. Local internet service providers administer the benefit, and the BCORD Office and partnering agencies will help boost advertisements and outreach.

• Capital Projects Fund (CPF) - Approximately $14.3 million was awarded to American Samoa to support the development of a multi-purpose community facility on the Tech Park campus at Lions Park.

2. E-Commerce

We support e-commerce for trading purposes, specifically marketing and promoting local businesses globally. Given American Samoa's current broadband capacity, the world is in our hands, and we must keep up with the latest marketing trends while promoting American Samoan-made products.  Furthermore, the Coronavirus Pandemic pushed more local businesses to transition into online marketing and services.

Affordable Housing

1. Rental Assistance

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
More than 450 households have received rental and utility assistance since 2022. This accounts for 129 landlords with rental home properties throughout the territory. The program is anticipated to last until 2025 when ERAP funds are depleted. Since the pandemic, this program has made it affordable for many households during the pandemic.

2. Homeowners Assistance

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
More than 450 households have received rental and utility assistance since 2022. This accounts for 129 landlords with rental home properties throughout the territory. The program is anticipated to last until 2025 when ERAP funds are depleted. Since the pandemic, this program has made it affordable for many households during the pandemic.


This is not a new industry to the territory but an ongoing approach to keeping the industry alive, which was heavily impacted during the coronavirus pandemic. To date, the administration has achieved the following initiatives with the intent to continue reviving our tourism industry.

• Historic Landmark Sites Signs in Manu’a
The installation of informational signs for various historic landmark sites across the district of Manu’a is 100% complete. These signs serve as indicators for tourism and educational purposes.

• Hospitality Training
The American Samoa Community College offered a hospitality training course as a career pathway for the local workforce. The Department of Commerce Tourism Grant funded this partnership between Commerce and the American Samoa Visitors Bureau.

• Vaitogi Turtle & Shark Lookout Deck
This tourism and education infrastructure is 100% complete.

Local Manufacturing

We support an agricultural economy based on the production of value-added goods. American Samoa must move towards an export-oriented economy aided by natural resources, transforming into value-added or locally made products. To reduce dependence on imported goods, we must also invest in growing specialty crops, with the government providing training and assistance for farmers. These services will also help highlight food safety and security locally.

• Agriculture
a) National Entrepreneurship Month Proclamation
November is declared National Entrepreneurship Month to honor local entrepreneurship across the territory.  This is one way the administration is promoting and empowering local entrepreneurship.

b) Annual 684 Biz’Fest
The first BizFest was launched in 2022 with 49 local entrepreneurs and small businesses in attendance.  Promoting and supporting new business startups across the territory is an opportunity to encourage local entrepreneurs to showcase their locally-made products with a chance to create a platform and space for small businesses to engage directly with the community.

• Fisheries
a) Super Alia Initiative
More than $5 Million has been invested in designing and constructing four new super alia catamarans to promote entrepreneurship, job creation, and maritime training for the local fisheries industry.  As of June 2024, the first of four super alia catamarans has been delivered to the American Samoa Government.

Economic Growth and Expansion

A diversified economy relies on our people's diversified knowledge and local talent. We believe in an inclusive entrepreneurial society with incentives for job creation. A private sector-led economy with government support is vital. Thus, the government shall assist with access to capital, subsidized loan programs, and technical assistance training opportunities to encourage small business startups and expansion. Economic growth and stability have remained critical throughout the Coronavirus Global pandemic since 2020. As American Samoa transitioned out of its state of public health emergency in late 2022, new and unprecedented economic development opportunities have been made available to the business community and the community since 2021.  Encourage entrepreneurship and small business development opportunities among the community, including local minority groups such as military veterans, youth, women, individuals with disabilities, and senior citizens.

Access to Capital

New Business Startups & Expansion

1. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Revolving Loan Program
A total of nine (9) new and existing small businesses were approved for funding.  These include restaurants, grocery stores, rental car businesses, hardware stores, and construction companies.

2. CARES Act Revolving Loan Program 
This funding provided capital for small businesses during the initial stages of the Coronavirus pandemic.

3. State Small Business Credit Initiative 2.0 (SSBCI)
American Samoa was approved for $57 Million in SSBCI funds for small business startup and expansion in the territory.

4. Business Recovery Capital Program (BRCP) Grant
The program was launched in March 2022 in response to assisting impacted businesses.  This was a $25,000 maximum grant program for business applicants to request assistance on how the pandemic impacted them.  The total allocated budget was $ 4 million.  A total of 226 small business establishments received grant awards.

5. Business Recovery Capital Program (BRCP) Revolving Line of Credit (RLOC)
A total of 29 business establishments were approved for a revolving line of credit. This accounted for $4.65 million.

6. Cash Assistance Program (CAP) for Impacted Businesses
The CAP relieved non-essential businesses impacted by the COVID-19 restrictions declared in American Samoa’s State of Public Health Emergency.  The CAP for impacted businesses assisted with payments for operational and overhead expenses (utilities, commercial rent, payroll, etc.).  A total of 255 small business establishments received CAP assistance.

7. Pitch Your Biz (PYB) for the Youth
A brand-new grant program to encourage and develop youth entrepreneurship in American Samoa.  The first PYB was a huge success with ten (10) awardees with $10,000 grants to start or expand their businesses while the remaining nine (9) received $3,000 microgrants also to start or expand a business of their own. This program was well received by the business community, and they have enquired about the next PYB with an extension to all age groups.  This was a project in partnership with the Governor’s Youth Council.

Public Private Partnerships

Creating a competitive advantage for American Samoa is imperative. We are committed to building partnerships between the public and private sectors to communicate and execute economic development plans for a robust and sustainable economy. We believe in fostering and strengthening partnerships between the public and private sectors in service to our people. A private sector-led economy with the government's support is vital to creating more economic development opportunities for our local community.

Community Services

Non-profit organizations also play a vital role in our economic development, and why we believe in continuing to invest in local non-profit work not only to improve other services in the community but also assist with American Samoa’s overall community development.

Give Light Initiative

A partnership with two local non-profit organizations to implement a $50,000 utility assistance program for low-income households impacted during the Code Red restrictions.

Trade and Investments

• SelectUSA Investment Summit
Attracting US and Global Investors to American Samoa is one way we can diversify our local economy. American Samoa has successfully represented itself at the US Department of Commerce global summit, the SelectUSA Investment Summit.  This prestigious event is where thousands of investors and businesses gather to explore new investment opportunities. FDI is one of many ways to attract new business opportunities for job creation and economic expansion to any location in the United States.

• Marketing & Promoting American Samoa
We have been promoting American Samoa, our island home, as an ideal and strategic location for foreign investment in the Pacific or a Pacific Gateway to the USA, including: Spotlight On American Samoa, National Public Broadcast Service (PBS) Television documentary, about American Samoa: at the start of its release in January 2024, it was aired 720 times in 36% of all US television households, reaching a gross audience of 3.78 million.

Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreements

We believe in finding ways to collaborate with other governments (local, state, regional, etc.) to achieve common goals, provide a service, or solve a mutual problem. Intergovernmental cooperation can range from informal agreements to sharing information, equipment, and human resources to more formal arrangements.

• Atoa o Samoa – Economic Trade & Policy
The first-ever two-Samoa trade show was held in American Samoa (2023). It allowed businesses from both island countries to showcase their services and locally made products. 

• Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Workshop
For the first time, FDA representatives conducted a workshop in American Samoa to discuss FDA regulations, labeling requirements, and import and export requirements in and out of the United States.

• Fact-Finding Mission on Impediments and Opportunities in US-Pacific Islands Trade and Investments
As part of a comprehensive fact-finding mission, two Trade Economists from the US International Trade Commission visited American Samoa. Their study, released in September 2023, has opened up discussions on potential opportunities for American Samoa in the US-Pacific Islands trade and investments. Further research is being considered to align American Samoa's trade strategies with the evolving dynamics of the Pacific region.

Job Creation & Retention

Job creation and retention through new industries and markets are vital to the territory’s economic growth and expansion. Furthermore, we believe in investing in our youth through various opportunities that expose them early on to career pathways they can pursue.  While completing a college education is a primary goal, we are also mindful of upskilling our workforce to pursue a different career pathway.  Programs like Work-Based Learning, Apprenticeships, and Internships emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) are heavily invested.

Alignment of Education, Workforce, and Economic Development

We continue to support the efficient and responsive delivery of academic programs designed to meet the demands of our local industries for skilled workers and prospective sectors that can thrive locally. We are committed to the workforce and professional development opportunities to enhance the quality of public services, strengthen work performance measures, and improve human capital skills. An educated and competent workforce is critical to creating American Samoa’s competitive advantage.  Such workforce development opportunities can be made possible by establishing trade schools in industries readily available on the island, including construction, tourism, and fisheries, to name a few. The following Workforce Development Opportunities were offered and completed:

• Coursera Career Academy
183 applicants registered to attend this online course. The new Career Academy offered 21 certifications for 18 high-demand job roles. The academy is geared towards job seekers and entry-level professionals, with no prerequisites to enter the program, and aims to provide opportunities for upskilling.

• Job & Internship Fair 2021
Held in the summer of 2021, this was a public-private partnership to showcase job opportunities and careers offered through various agencies and businesses on the island.  

• Meal with a Mentor for the Youth
This was part of the 2021 Job & Internship Fair in partnership with a local non-profit group to host a Meal with a Mentor evening.  The Lee was packed with the youth and professional members of the community who were willing to share their knowledge about future jobs that the youth of American Samoa could pursue.

• Work-Based Learning Program
To build workforce capacity, the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) standards were met through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program and Work-Based Learning Program at the Department of Human Resources to provide adults, displaced workers, and the youth the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes and behaviors leading to better-informed career choices, training services, and productive employment.

• Grants Technical Assistance Training
Approximately $300,000 was awarded to conduct government-wide grant training. This is part of building capacity and professional development across the ASG workforce. • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Acts (IIJA) Capacity Building Fund
American Samoa received $450,000 IIJA funding to recruit and train staff to focus on habitat restoration and wetland delineation projects.  The goal is to equip local staff with the knowledge and skills to manage American Samoa’s coastal resources effectively.

• CZM Summer Internship Program
They launched a summer internship program for high school and college graduate students to experience and learn more about various jobs in coastal management. Eight (8) young individuals were chosen for this opportunity.

• Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
Additional funding has enabled the DHR to employ over 1,000 high school students to participate in the SYEP program. 

Planning and Development

• Comprehensive Development Master Plans
To date, three (3) comprehensive conceptual plans have been completed to identify future projects for economic development in American Samoa: the Lions Park Master Plan, the Downtown Fagatogo Revitalization Master Plan, and the Sports Complex Development Plan.

• Coastal Resilience Planning
As a testament to our commitment to environmental sustainability, we have secured grant funding approval to develop a Coastal Resilience Plan for American Samoa. This plan will employ a variety of methods to safeguard our shorelines from the escalating impacts of climate change. It also presents an opportunity to explore nature-based solutions, such as living shorelines and reef balls, for shoreline protection and habitat restoration across our territory.

• Habitat Protection and Restoration Grants
American Samoa received a $203,000 competitive grant award to benefit ecosystems and communities by completing an effort to verify and map wetlands and conduct wetland monitoring, partner training, and community outreach workshops.

Technological Tools

1. ArcGIS 

The Geographic Information System (GIS) Program has expanded into a new division to extend its purpose and use in economic planning and development in American Samoa:  

a) 2022 Special Achievement in GIS Award 
The founder of ESRI presented the American Samoa GIS team with a special recognition award for their work in utilizing GIS maps for land use permitting and other uses, such as tracking the coronavirus spread in American Samoa. American Samoa was chosen from a pool of 197 projects from more than 100,000 ESRI clients worldwide.

b) Drone License Acquisition and Flight
The GIS team has received a Part 107 license from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to enable the GIS team to fly small, crewless aerial vehicles.  This certification enhances the territory's land use planning and development services.

c) American Samoa GIS User’s Group Training
All local GIS user group members received introductory online training on creating surveys, web maps, and dashboards on ArcGIS Online and sharing and managing maps.

d) Tsunami Inundation Mapping
As an active member of the Tsunami Working Group spearheaded by the Department of Homeland Security, the GIS division provides mapping and data-collecting support for Homeland Security to produce evacuation maps.

e) GIS Mapping Support for Disaster Recovery Assessments
They provided mapping support for the Emergency Operations Center as authorities declared a state of emergency due to disaster damages. Maps helped pinpoint damaged areas for further assessment and assistance.

f) GIS Mapping Support for Tracking Coronavirus Community Spread
They provided mapping support for the Emergency Operations Center during the COVID-19 outbreak. These maps helped inform the Task Force's decision-making in response to the number of COVID cases in the villages.

2. LiDAR

ASG received a competitive grant award of $1.6 million to acquire LiDAR-derived products to suppose the seamless topographic-bathymetric LiDAR and Plane-based photographic imagery funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  Products will include foundational water level, geodetic observations, and inundation modeling for American Samoa’s islands and atolls.  This grant funding will support our critical and dire need for elevation and imagery data that will have broad-reaching impacts supporting resilience-based efforts for local, regional, and federal partners.

Other Economic Development and Infrastructure

Community Development opportunities are constantly sought to improve the quality of life through public service and economic development infrastructure.  To date, we have accomplished the following projects for economic development versus public service opportunities on the island:

• Tualauta Drainage System
This critical infrastructure project aims to safeguard homes from flooding in the area. It was finally approved due to its urgency in resolving an ongoing flooding problem in the Tualauta area.

• Fagaima Drainage System
Approximately $1.4 million in approved CDBG-Mitigation Funds will serve as matching funds to complete the Fagaima Drainage, which is technically a portion of the Tualauta drainage system.

• Two New Fire Trucks
Collaboration with the Department of Public Safety to purchase two new customized fire trucks to serve the local community, especially in areas where typical fire trucks can hardly reach villages behind the mountains and higher elevated areas.

• Westside Multipurpose Playground
Basketball and volleyball court with wired fences to serve the youth of the western district.  This project is 100% complete.

• Pago Pago International Airport Food Court
Creating additional space and seating for the public while supporting small businesses.

• Shelter Facility Acquisition
An additional shelter was purchased to accommodate more clients and meet the program's demands and needs. 

• Medical Plaza
Design is in its final stages and should be ready for construction very soon.  This project is meant to prioritize the business side of local healthcare on island, and a one stop shop near the future hospital at Lions Park.

• Amphitheater
A design and build contractor has been secured to bring this project to fruition for the public to enjoy at the Lions Park.

Economic Data Collection and Analysis

Reconvening the Statistical Advisory Council was a primary accomplishment. It brought together public and private stakeholders to determine how best to share data for data-driven decision-making and policy.  Furthermore, the importance of data-driven decisions are made based on available data, and why data collection and analysis is a key element to developing economic plans for the territory.

Economic Measures & Performance

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
  • Quarterly Consumer Price Index 
  • Basic Food Index 
  • 2022 Economic Census
  • COVID-19 Economic Impact Survey

Data Collection

• Mid-Year Population Estimates
Estimates are released annually

• Census 2020 Data Release
Population and Housing Data were released in October 2021, followed by the rest of the Census data in 2023.

• Statistical Yearbook
Yearbook Series 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 have been released.

• Agriculture Census
Agriculture Census: this important project, which has been underway since February 2024, is nearing completion, and the data results will be available soon for in-depth analysis.

• Statistical Enhancement Project
$300,000 technical assistance grant from the Department of the Interior’s Office of Insular Affairs to develop American Samoa’s statistical development strategies.

Rule Reform & Enforcement

Times have changed, and rules and regulations need to be updated to meet the demands of our current society. Thus, the importance of rule reform is supported by effective enforcement.

Joint-Enforcement Inspections

• Public Health & Homeland Security
Enforcement site visits were held in partnership with Public Health & Homeland Security to ensure small businesses comply with local laws and regulations.

• Consumer Protection Bureau
Enforcement site visits with the Office of Legal Affairs—Consumer Protection Bureau to address customer complaints on price gouging, over-the-counter medication being sold without FDA approval, and alleged counterfeit consumer products. This effort was in line with the Governor’s State of Public Health Emergency Declaration to prohibit price gouging during a state of emergency. Efforts to keep the public informed were made via social media platforms and radio ads during the COVID-19 shutdown.



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